Instead of selling standardised off-the-shelf training courses, ITS provides individual solutions with the aim of transferring know-how to enable customers run their training establishments successfully and independently within a short time frame. For this ITS has developed a holistic approach, handing over the responsibilities to local employees step-by-step with the respective knowledge and skills.
Every ITS project starts with a training needs analysis, indicating the requirements of the customer, so the optimal combination of our modular services can be found. This can range from the selection of single modules for the upgrade of existing training centres to the establishment of a so called Turn-key Training Centre, combining all modules in one solution.
A key success factor of the ITS training lies in the combination of sound theoretical education, with a high percentage of practical skills training through workshop-based lessons with state-of-the-art tools and machines for the execution of detailed student tasks. This concept as well as the curriculum of the training is based on the German Dual System, but always adapted to the customer specific requirements and conditions.